Friday, August 31, 2012

33 Weeks and One Big Surprise

On September 4th, Andrew and I went to see Dr. M at 8:30am. This, of course, was a routine checkup, so I didn't think twice about taking Andrew. I also didn't have to have an ultrasound, so I figured that it would be somewhat of a short visit.

We walked back to get my weight, and I weighed in at a solid 153 lbs. Then we went to the NST room, so I could sit on the monitor. It is nice that there are toys in that room, especially plastic animals, which Andrew loves to play with. I just feel badly that I couldn't play with him much, because I have to lay reclined in a chair as much as the chair will recline. I sat on the monitor for about 20 minutes, which is the standard time. As I was sitting there, I noticed that I was having contractions. I could feel a few things, but it didn't really seem severe. The hills on the tape looked to be pretty equal in spacing and in height, which wasn't normal. I just hoped that it wasn't too serious. The baby was very active while I was on the monitor, so I took that as a good sign, and just waited to hear what the doctor would say about the tape.

I went to talk with Dr. M after that, who wanted to check my cervix. This wasn't expected, because I don't think I would have brought Andrew. Who knows how he would respond to having mommy looked over in that way. The doctor also thought it would be a good idea to do another fetal fibernectin swab while she was down there doing the exam. This wasn't an issue, but it appeared that Andrew wanted me to pay attention to him at about the same time. He started to cry right before the doctor actually did anything, so she gave me a second to calm him before she began. I ended up giving him a hug and having him take whatever out of my purse that he needed to make him happy. The doctor came back in, and Andrew was still a little upset. Once he took the 4 pack of crayons out of my purse, he seemed a bit better. He handed them to me as I laid on the table, so I could get them out of the wrapper for him. It was actually a blessing in disguise because focusing on going over crayon colors with him helped my breathing through the rather uncomfortable experience. It wasn't painful to be checked, but it didn't feel good either.

The doctor discovered that I was 1 cm dilated, and since I was having back pain, she thought it would be best for me to go to the hospital to get put on a monitor for further checking. She gave me my test swab and told me to take it with me to the hospital for them to run the labs there.

Luckily, Dennis was able to take Andrew so that I could go to the hospital. His sister was coming in on an afternoon flight for the weekend. Andrew was already excited about going with him, and I was planning on going through cookbooks to plan meals as well as work on getting groceries for the weekend. I need to do a bit more cleaning before she arrived too, but I guess that was all going to go along the waste side, since I had to go to the hospital. When we had a labor scare with Andrew about 34 1/2 weeks, we were at the hospital for about 6 hours our so. I anticipated the same with this visit. I didn't have much discomfort, except for some back cramps. I just assumed that I'd be home by the time Dennis and Andrew came back from the airport with Anette. That's what I least.

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